After making over 9,250 printable Shichida flashcards and other right brain materials for my baby's Shichida home practice activities, I find I was running out of ideas or topics to teach.
Should I consider to teach my child Shichida online instead of printables?
Sometimes I just wonder if I have wasted my precious time spending weekends and after office hours looking for topics to teach, hunting for suitable pictures to print.
Teaching my child is less than 15 minutes a day, but making flashcards seems like hours to make a day.
So, I had a few options to source more Shichida flashcards:
Continue to make more printable flashcards which I am already running out of ideas.
Buy ready-made Shichida Method flashcards. I have bought most of the Shichida Tensai flashcards. Maybe I am a bit fussy, I don't like cartoon flashcards. I prefer realistic picture flashcards.
Look for online/video flashcards to teach.
There is when I discovered and later decided to join the Right Brain Education Library.
My DIY 9,250 printable flashcards for Right Brain Education may seem like a large quantity. My baby went through them quickly, at the same time I don't find it that effective despite me showing all the flashcards 1 second per card daily.
Switching to digital made a significant difference. The digital flash cards provide faster and more consistent flashing. I observed that my baby became more engaged and started learning more. As the baby got used to the increased pace, she began seeking even faster speeds, showing effective right brain training.
How old was my baby when she started using digital flashcards? She was only 6 months old. However, with my other child, the approach was different. With the digital flashcards, I introduced my baby to speed one when she was 4 months old.
Why do I go digital / Shichida flashcards online?
I am a working mom, and I normally make my flashcards and right brain activities after work and during the weekends. There is so much one person can do.
Both my child's Shichida and Heguru classes, do use a combination of TV screen and printable to show the Shichida/Heguru flashcards.
On top of my collection of 9,250 printable flashcards, the Right Brain Education Library provides me with more "Shichida materials."
They have flashcards suitable for Shichida home practice, as well as right brain materials like the Mandala, Photo Image Play, Photographic Memory Activities, Peg Memory, Linking Memory, and many others. At the same time, the Right Brain Education Library does add new flashcards to its collection.
All of those I mentioned are exactly what is used in Right Brain Schools.
Printing the flashcards or making flashcards is not that difficult. It is the time spent looking for topics and looking for the right pictures that take a lot of time and patience. If the pictures are unattractive, my baby won't want to see them.
My Shichida home practice lessons are not 100% digital. The flashcard lessons are in video and the Shichida right brain activities are physical.
I understand that some parents prefer to use physical or printable flashcards. I share my experience with other senior Shichida parents and we all agree if you want to take your child to advance right brain training it has to be digital.
The earlier you start, the better and easier. In Shichida and Heguru classes in Japan, children below 2 years old are exposed to high-speed flashing. If you still can't understand the logic, I can only say one thing, you have to understand the functions and characteristics of the right brain. Read here. Digital has its advantages.
Do check out my blog on how I teach my baby to read. I will share what reading flashcards and reading books I have bought.
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